The following information is published to comply with the second paragraph number 1, Article of Decree 2150 of December 20, 2017 regarding the obligated subjects in Article 364-5 of the tax statute, which we must publish on our website, for 10 calendar days, as of March 31, 2022, the information and its annexes in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 4 of article 364-5 of the tax statute and articles and of decree 2150 of December 20, 2017.
General information
The Carvajal Foundation identified with
nit 890.314.970-7 is a non-profit entity, which is processing the process of updating the special tax regime.
Located at Carrera 28 F No. 72L-79 in El Poblado 1 neighborhood, City of Santiago de Cali, Valle del Cauca. Incorporated on September 13, 1977.
The management reports of the Carvajal Foundation describe the achievements and challenges of the Comprehensive Social Intervention strategy, based on the Global Reporting Initiative methodology, from the management of the support and mission areas, highlighting the collaborative work with the communities, collaborators, cooperators and allies.
We invite you to read them!
The fiscal result of the year 2021 did not present taxable income
The accounting result as of December 31, 2021 was $91,137,000.
Due to the fact that there are fiscal losses, there is no amount of benefit or net surplus, nor allocation of investments of a tax nature.
Gross book equity value as of December 31, 2021 is $346,125,635,000
Value of the liquid accounting equity as of December 31, 2021 is $339,168,393,000.
The income tax return for taxable year 2020 was submitted in a timely manner on April 29, 2021 under form No. 1116602671973; and self-adhesive 91000780277480.
The total gross tax income of the Foundation for the year 2020 were $16,702,948,000, for the year 2021 the countable income was $18,688,625,000.
The global value paid in executive and managerial positions amounts to $1,007,333,326.
• Main Members •
Monseñor Darío De Jesús Monsalve Mejía
María del Rosario Carvajal Cabal
Gustavo Adolfo Carvajal Sinisterra
Jorge Hernando Carvajal Sinisterra
Alfredo Carvajal Sinisterra
• Chairman of the Board of Directors •
Gustavo Adolfo Carvajal Sinisterra
• Executive President •
Marcela Del Socorro Astudillo Palomino
• Administrative and Financial Director •
Monica Zapata Dominguez
• Director Business Development Unit •
mario gonzalez mora
• Director of Education and Culture Unit •
David Alejandro Gironza-Rodriguez
•Core members •
Archbishop of Cali Luis Fernando Rodríguez Velásquez
Maria del Rosario Carvajal Cabal
Diego Felipe Llano Carvajal
Gustavo Adolfo Carvajal Sinisterra
Amparo Carvajal Sinisterra
Juan Martín Carvajal Leib
Ana Maria Guerrero Carvajal
Alfredo Carvajal Sinisterra
Alfonso Carvajal Valli
• President of the Superior Council •
Gustavo Adolfo Carvajal Sinisterra
•Vice president •
Alfonso Carvajal Valli
•President of the Board of Directors •
Ana Maria Guerrero Carvajal
•Vice president •
Alfonso Carvajal Valli
•Members •
Diego Felipe Llano Carvajal
Beatriz Eugenia Mejia Arango
Alberto Carvajal Cabal
Isabel Carvajal Sardi
Alfonso Carvajal Valli
Isabela Marín Carvajal
Ana Maria Guerrero Carvajal
Father Jose Gonzalez
Claudia Liliana Aparicio Yáñez