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Ini. educación y cultura

Lines of Intervention

Permanence and Quality Education

Contribute to the improvement of initial and adult basic education, facilitating the processes of inclusion in the educational system and of care for the integral development of all population groups, restoring universal citizen rights.


Lines of Intervention

Educational and Cultural Environments

Facilitate access to culture, information, knowledge, use and appropriation of communities, favoring permanence, equity and quality in the school system of children, adolescents and young people.


Educación y cultura

Permanence and Quality Education

Horizons with Compass for Learning

Promote the development of basic, citizen and modern skills of the population with difficulties in handling and using the written code; for leveling and literacy in basic processes and integral education.


Compass life skills and more... girls, boys and youth

Contribute to reducing the strangeness, looking for the connection and permanence in the educational system of the students until they finish the academic formation with quality and equity.

Compass skills to learn and dream the future... for young people and adults

Contribute to the literacy of adult populations for the acquisition of basic and social skills that favor the development of their life project and the articulation to the productive sector.


Permanence and Quality Education

Initial Education Weaving Knowledge a Journey with Imagination and Affection

Promote the formation and transformation of the practices of community mothers and transition teachers, facilitating the strengthening of the link between the family nucleus and the community, with the provision and adaptation of care spaces.


Permanence and Quality Education

Global Classroom

Contribute to the improvement of educational quality and school permanence, through the strengthening of competences for the use and appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies - ICT, and of basic skills in language and mathematics.


Global Classroom - Basic Skills

Configure technologically enriched cultural and learning environments, for their use and appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies - ICT to educational processes.

Global Classroom - ICT

Contribute to the improvement of the School Permanence of students linked to the Educational System of Official Educational Institutions of the Municipality of Santiago de Cali.

Aula Global

Educational and Cultural Environments

Alternate School Sessions

Increase the effective learning time of students, through the development of other learning environments that strengthen the cultural identity of communities, the transmission of traditional knowledge, the development of skills.

1 Jornada Complementaria.png
Jornada Alterna

Educational and Cultural Environments

Super Goal

Promote and strengthen initiatives in communities around sport and community participation, with the training of children and youth in social and sports skills. In this way, it helps to prevent and reduce the risk factors associated with psychosocial problems (such as the use of psychoactive substances and manifestations of violence (s), in favor of promoting coexistence.


Educational and Cultural Environments

Libraries - Key of Knowledge

Manage educational, cultural and technological resource centers through the implementation of strategies for access to information and knowledge for the social and cultural development of the community.

Llave de saber


Administrative Office and Service Center

El Poblado Cra. 28F # 72L - 79 Barrio El Poblado
Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia ​

PBX: +57 (2) 554 29 49

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