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Ini. Nosotros

Who We Are? 

 We contribute to overcoming poverty 


We are a non-profit institution, with the purpose of promoting the improvement of the quality of life of the most needed communities, in the prioritized territories of Cali and Buenaventura.


How We Begin? 

Nosotros 1

In 1961, the Carvajal Family began different social programs, leading to the creation of the Carvajal Foundation in 1977.

The Carvajal Family delivers 23.5% of its assets, to guarantee the autonomy and sustainability of the Carvajal Foundation. It is a donation given in life and in perpetuity.

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What Inspires Us

There cannot be a healthy company in a sick social environment, because sooner or later the ills of society have an impact on its performance. Therefore, the responsible entrepreneur must necessarily commit to the solution of social problems.

Manuel Carvajal Sinisterra, 1960 


Cita Manuel Carvajal

The Carvajal Foundation is an organ of social justice and Christian charity and expression of the desire for solidarity of Colombians.


Pioneers in social responsibility, the Carvajal Foundation develops practical knowledge through interventions in Cali and Buenaventura, to enhance the development of human capital in the most vulnerable communities.

Our experience and knowledge are transferred and scaled through public policy joining forces with cooperators and allies.

Guiding Principles

- Mandate: Fully attend to the most vulnerable families.

- Education as a liberating tool.

- Empowerment: Involve people in solving their problems.

- Focus: Define territories and lines of action for intervention.
- Operating Foundation: Design and operate its own programs.
- Knowledge Management: Preserve the methodological heritage.
- Measurement: Validate the impact of the interventions.

- Influence on Public Policy.



- Respect
- Transparency

 - Equity

 - Honesty

- Social Commitment

Principis y Valores
Modelo de Intervención

Comprehensive Social Integration

Our Comprehensive Social Intervention is the methodological platform with which we act, accompany and intervene different social groups. Through this model we focus our efforts on identifying specific needs of the population served to jointly build ideas, develop strategies and empower their own development.


Historical Milestones

consejo y junta

Superior Council

The Superior Council ensures the preservation and application of the inspiring principles of the Carvajal Foundation, ensuring the preservation of the legacy of its founders.

 Chairman of the Superior Council •

Gustavo Adolfo Carvajal Sinisterra

Vice President

Alfonso Carvajal Valli

Main Members 

Arzobispo de Cali Darío De Jesús Monsalve Mejía

María del Rosario Carvajal Cabal
Gustavo Adolfo Carvajal Sinisterra
Jorge Hernando Carvajal Sinisterra

Alfredo Carvajal Sinisterra


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors supports decision-making regarding the investment, strategy and management of the social development programs of the Carvajal Foundation.

Chairman of the Board of Directors 

Beatriz Castro Carvajal

Vice President •

Ana María Guerrero Carvajal

Members • 

Diego Felipe Llano Carvajal
Beatriz Eugenia Mejía Arango

Beatriz Castro Carvajal

Alfonso Carvajal Valli

Manuel José Carvajal De Roux

Isabela Marín Carvajal

Ana María Guerrero Carvajal

Pedro José González

Claudia Liliana Aparicio Yáñez

presdencia y comité

Executive Presidency

Marcela Astudillo


The Executive Presidency leads the strategy, investment and management of the Comprehensive Social Intervention of the Carvajal Foundation, guided by the guiding principles of its founders.

Executive Presidency of the Carvajal Foundation • 

Marcela Astudillo Palomino 

Directive Commitee

The Steering Committee manages and directs the daily operation of the Integral Social Intervention of the Carvajal Foundation.

Members • 

Mónica María Zapata Domínguez, Director of the Administrative and Financial Unit
Mario José González Mora, Director of the Business Development Unit
David Alejandro Gironza Rodríguez, Director of the Education and Culture Unit

 Amparo Sinisterra de Carvajal, Director of Carvajal Foundation’s Radio Station

Erika Johanna Acevedo Orduña, Head of Research and Development
Olga Lucía López Londoño, Head of Knowledge Management, Innovation and Communication
Astrid Ramírez Castaño, Head of Human Management
Alejandro Martínez Patiño, Head of Legal Management

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