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We remain committed to our country and

the communities of the prioritized territories!

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Executive President

Attentive to the new realities of the local and global context, in this 2021 we make more flexible the way we work with cooperators and allies in favor of vulnerable communities, to continue closing inequality gaps and opening paths to equity .

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Marcela Astudillo Palomino

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*Learn more in the PDF of the report

Inicio IG
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Video Institucional
Desarrollo Empresarial
Educación y Cultura

*Remember to turn on the audio

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Activate your audio here

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reunión de negocios
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Business development

Get to know the management of the Carvajal Foundation

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Click to slide and learn more about the topic

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Education and culture

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of the Experience

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Social and Community Development

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Community Testimonies

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Todas las manos adentro
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Social Intervention Strategy

around the Service Centers

As of the National Strike that began on April 28, 2021, countless social mobilizations happened in Cali. Some were concentrated in locations near the Foundation’s Service Centers. This revealed to us the need to strengthen the relationship and dialogue with the surrounding community. We focused on community participation and organization, and promoting co-responsibility for the improvement of their conditions and quality of life. 

Recovery of the city


Carvajal S.A.A joined the Compromiso Valle initiative and sponsors the areas of Calipso and Puerto Rellena. From the Carvajal Foundation we held three talks with 150 frontline young people. 

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Remote application process and analysis of EGMA and EGRA tests

Leadership based on emotional intelligence

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Methodological Transfers

Estudio de grabación
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Radio Team

" Mass media of radio broadcasting that crosses geographical and generational limits "

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Get to Know Us

Over time, the good becomes Classic 88.5 FM

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Clásica 88.5 Radio Station 

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Our Partners and Allies

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Learn More About Our Management

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Read in ISSUU Magaine Format

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